Congratulations, Jaxon Smith, for being our 2nd Book Blast Treasure Chest winner! Way to go! There is still time to win a Treasure Chest or an iPad by inviting 15+ friends or family members: Let’s keep up the momentum to help build our students’ home libraries! If you’d like to support our school and help all our students have access to more books, please donate here: Your support truly makes a world of difference in their education!
Picture day for Alvis is Thursday, September 21. Students brought home order forms on Monday.
The following students were recognized for exemplifying our Character Strong word of the month of August, Respect:
Kinder: Sofia Valdez and Matthew Hildebrand
1st: Briseis Avila and Jude Romero
2nd: Elias Maestas and Eylanii Espino
3rd: Gabriella Elias and Lukah Valdez
4th: Josiah Clingingsmith
Homecoming Parade today at 2:00. Football Game at 6:00 and Crowning of the Homecoming Queen and King at Halftime.
This week CHS will not be having a bon fire for homecoming. This was a joint safety decision between the Fire department and CHS Principal/Athletic Director Claudia Montoya. We are hoping to have a bon fire for Basketball Homecoming in February.
Due to injuries Maxwell Volleyball will only have a Varsity today. There will only be one game. Varsity Volleyball will start at 4:00 at Yellowjacket Gym.
Clayton Municipal Schools is looking to fill the position of Transportation Supervisor. Position will be open until filled. Application can be found on the Clayton Municipal Schools' website and can be picked up at the District Office located on the High School Campus.
CMS is selling TShirts for $20. Can be purchased at Central Office, located on the High School Campus.
First Edition of "The Buzz"!
Just a reminder Early Release every Friday! Alvis pick up is at 1:20 and everyone else is 1:30
We look forward to seeing all students PreK - 12 on Monday, August 21, 2023!
See ALL students PreK - 12 on Monday, August 21, 2023!
Come meet Gabe Doherty the New AG teacher. Monday, July 31, at
CHS AG room at 7:00 p.m.
Tonight!!! Wood Auditorium. Peril on The High Seas at 7:00 p.m. Play performed by the CHS Performing Arts class. $5 admission.
DRILL!!!! CMS will be having an Evacuation and Reunification Drill on Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
Students will have a drill to practice evacuation and reunification in case of an event. All CMS students will be evacuated to Huff Stadium at 12:45 pm. PreK - 8th grade parents who will be picking up their students will need to park on the west side of the stadium. 9th - 12th grade parents will park on the East side (visitors side). Once all bus students have been escorted from the stadium at 1:30, students will be brought out of the stadium to the designated sides, where parents MUST sign them out. We will start with PreK. No parents are allowed in or around the stadium until sign out. If there are any change of transportation requests, they must be received in the office no later than 11:00 am that morning.
Clayton Municipal Schools is looking to fill some positions for the 2023-2024 school year. Transportation Supervisor. Application and job description are listed on the website under current openings.
State Track Send off behind Huff Stadium today at 12:00 pm. Let's Go Clayton!!!
TONIGHT: Social Studies and History Curriculum review for grades K-12
We invite all parents, guardians, community members and students to attend a curriculum review at the High School cafeteria, Thursday, May 4, at 5:30 pm. We will have a demonstration, samples, and be available to answer any questions.
Clayton Municipal School District will be holding their annual Community School Budget meeting for SY23-24. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the HS Cafeteria.
Kiser Elementary/Clayton Junior High 3rd Quarter A/B Honor Roll Assembly will be Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 8:30 am in Yellow Jacket Gym.